Pen y Fan and Fan y Big Horsehoe Race Results Archive

This is a database of all known results from the Pen y Fan and Fan y Big Horseshoe Races. First select which race you are interested in. Then you can filter the results by any combination of the following: year, sex, club, category or runner's name. Pick a value from one or more of the drop-downs, and/or enter any part of name, then click "GO" to see the results. To see all results, click "SHOW ALL".

To sort the results, click a column heading. Clicking a second time reverses the sort on that column.

The Fan y Big Horseshoe race started in 2007, and all results are included here. For Pen y Fan we have complete results for the following years (we think): 1986-1992, 1999 (no clubs/categories), 2004-now. We have partial results from 1993 and 2003. We need your help finding full results for 1993-2003!

If you have any more Pen y Fan results (e.g. from old Fellrunner editions), please do let us know - thanks.

Apologies to smartphone users - this page may not work well for you, as the results table is wide!

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Records displayed:
YearNameClubCategorySummit TimeSummit PosDescent TimeDescent PosFinish TimePosition% Win TimePos In CatPrize
2013Martin CarterHay HotfootersMV4000:47:572800:45:091601:33:0620122.185 
2011Martin CarterHay HotfootersMV4000:49:073100:45:482001:34:5525119.1712 
2018Martin CarterHay HotfootersMV5000:56:456000:47:404401:44:2550134.447