Pen y Fan and Fan y Big Horsehoe Race Results Archive

This is a database of all known results from the Pen y Fan and Fan y Big Horseshoe Races. First select which race you are interested in. Then you can filter the results by any combination of the following: year, sex, club, category or runner's name. Pick a value from one or more of the drop-downs, and/or enter any part of name, then click "GO" to see the results. To see all results, click "SHOW ALL".

To sort the results, click a column heading. Clicking a second time reverses the sort on that column.

The Fan y Big Horseshoe race started in 2007, and all results are included here. For Pen y Fan we have complete results for the following years (we think): 1986-1992, 1999 (no clubs/categories), 2004-now. We have partial results from 1993 and 2003. We need your help finding full results for 1993-2003!

If you have any more Pen y Fan results (e.g. from old Fellrunner editions), please do let us know - thanks.

Apologies to smartphone users - this page may not work well for you, as the results table is wide; you may have more luck if you switch to non-mobile view in the upper right menu!

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YearNameClubCategorySummit TimeSummit PosDescent TimeDescent PosFinish TimePosition% Win TimePos In CatPrize
2009Simon ColdrickPennine Fell RunnersMS    01:16:23110011st Man
2009Simon BarnbyUnattachedMS    01:21:112106.2822nd Man
2009Paul RowleySale HarriersMS    01:21:523107.1833rd Man
2009Tim IvesonBuilth & District RCMS    01:22:344108.14 
2009William HorsleyNorthumberland Fell RunnersMS    01:23:265109.235 
2009Colin LancasterTelford HarriersMV40    01:30:066117.9611st V40 Man
2009Colin TaylorDark Peak Fell RunnersMV40    01:30:137118.112 
2009Crispin FlowerMynydd DuMV40    01:30:398118.683 
2009Nick SelmesUnattachedMS    01:32:029120.496 
2009Jonathan GledsonTown & Country HarriersMV40    01:32:1210120.714 
2009Dave AustinCalder Valley Fell RunnersMS    01:32:1711120.827 
2009Chris FletcherWye Valley RunnersMS    01:32:3612121.238 
2009Matthew LawsonChepstow HarriersMV40    01:33:4613122.765 
2009Angela HeeleySan Domenico RCFS    01:35:0014124.3711st Lady
2009Phil MilesParc Bryn BachMV50    01:35:1915124.7911st V50 Man
2009Martin BuckBrecon ACMV40    01:36:0416125.776 
2009Robin MittonAshbourne Running ClubMS    01:36:1717126.059 
2009Peter WilliamsMynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)MV50    01:36:3418126.422 
2009Russell MappMercia Fell RunnersMV50    01:36:4319126.623 
2009Peter FewsUnattachedMV50    01:36:5020126.774 
2009Mick CochraneDark Peak Fell RunnersMV60    01:37:1321127.2711st V60 Man
2009Martin WoodheadMynydd DuMV40    01:37:5022128.087 
2009Andy StottMynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)MV50    01:38:4923129.375 
2009Jeff WalkerTodmorden HarriersMV40    01:39:0624129.748 
2009Anthony RhodesGreat Western RunnersMV50    01:39:2625130.186 
2009Adrian OrringeMynydd DuMV50    01:39:4126130.57 
2009Andrew MasonSpringfield StridersMV40    01:40:4927131.999 
2009Julian CatmullSpringfield StridersMV40    01:41:2728132.8210 
2009Gron DaviesUnattachedMV40    01:41:3629133.0111 
2009Gareth DaviesUnattachedMS    01:41:4730133.2510 
2009Hayden GriffithsMynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)MV50    01:42:1031133.768 
2009David McCoyReading RoadrunnersMS    01:42:1832133.9311 
2009Richard LoveMalvern JoggersMV40    01:42:3033134.1912 
2009Rachel SkinnerTodmorden HarriersFS    01:42:5634134.7622nd Lady
2009Christopher HobsonNewbury Athletic ClubMS    01:43:1035135.0612 
2009Adam SmithCardiff HarlequinsMS    01:44:0336136.2213 
2009Joanne LilleyUnattachedFS    01:44:2237136.643 
2009Andrew KettlesSpringfield StridersMV40    01:44:3038136.8113 
2009Alice BedwellMynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)FV40    01:45:3139138.1411st V40 Lady
2009John WilliamsSpringfield StridersMV50    01:45:3340138.189 
2009Alan StoneMynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)MV40    01:45:4241138.3814 
2009Robert MorrisWye Valley RunnersMV50    01:45:4742138.4910 
2009Neil BradleySpringfield StridersMV50    01:45:5943138.7511 
2009Andy KirbyGreat Western RunnersMV50    01:46:2244139.2512 
2009William (John) DarbyMynydd DuMV50    01:46:4745139.813 
2009Peter TraceyUnattachedMS    01:47:3546140.8514 
2009Michael KeddleUnattachedMS    01:47:4347141.0215 
2009Jon LeggeSpringfield StridersMV40    01:48:3048142.0515 
2009Graham MaynardCambridge HarriersMV40    01:48:3049142.0516 
2009Colin CottellReading RoadrunnersMV40    01:48:3050142.0517 
2009Peter MorfeyCardiff HarlequinsMV50    01:48:4651142.414 
2009Gill StottMynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)FV50    01:48:5752142.6411st V50 Lady
2009Amy JonesUnattachedFS    01:50:0753144.164 
2009Gerry AshtonChepstow HarriersMV50    01:50:1554144.3415 
2009Sue AshtonChepstow HarriersFV50    01:50:4255144.932 
2009Les WilliamsEryri HarriersMV50    01:51:2556145.8716 
2009Lawrence WilsonUnattachedMS    01:51:5457146.516 
2009Phil ReynoldsUnattachedMS    01:52:0858146.817 
2009Naomi LawMynydd DuFS    01:53:5659149.165 
2009Phil ButtlerWye Valley RunnersMV50    01:55:1360150.8417 
2009Chris LewisPort Talbot HarriersMS    01:58:0461154.5718 
2009Caroline DallimoreMynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)FV50    01:59:5962157.083 
2009Clare DallimoreUnattachedFS    02:00:2063157.546 
2009Richard MartinUnattachedMS    02:00:4064157.9819 
2009John MageeUnattachedMS    02:04:4565163.3220 
2009David TullCambridge HarriersMV60    02:09:3066169.542 
2009Pat AustinCambridge HarriersMV40    02:17:2067179.7918 
2009Mark NewellCambridge HarriersMV50    02:17:2068179.7918 
2009Dick FinchMynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)MV60    02:20:3869184.123 
2009Linda JensenLes Croupiers RCFV40    02:22:4570186.892 
2009Uta MeisterUnattachedFV40    02:22:4571186.893 
2009Jane MappMercia Fell RunnersFS    02:27:3172193.137 
2009Tom HarrisonMynydd DuMV70    02:33:0073200.3111st V70 Man
2009Paul McMahonUnattachedMS    02:33:2874200.9221 
2009Philip JenkinsMynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)MV40    02:43:5375214.5519 
2009Sarah JenkinsMynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)FV40    02:43:5376214.554