Marking time

We’re please to say that John Chidlow will be helping with the time-keeping this year. John has seen (and timed) it all, officiating at over 50 races every year, and he has at least two fancy stopwatches. He will be a welcome addition to the finish line team, which normally consists of me + one or two of the kids trying to take times and read numbers as people hurtle down the straight.

Maybe one year I’ll be able to run the race…

Age limit corrections

Reading the latest Fellrunner magazine, I find that the age limits fror races are decided by the competitor's age on 1st January, and not race day as I had previously thought. I have corrected the relevant details for the Pen y Fan Race (16 or over), Pen y Fan Junior Race (under 16), and the Fan y Big Race (over 18).

Championship status for the Pen y Fan race

We are very pleased to announce that Pen y Fan 2012 has been chosen as a counter in

On-line entry for the Brecon Fans races

We have set up online entry for the Brecon Fans races, to make it easier for people to enter in advance and secure their place. Our hope is this will reduce the queues at registration, where because of the idyllic venue (i.e. total lack of facilities) we have to take entries in our tent! Entering is easy… just use the “ENTER” page to add one or both races to your cart, then proceed to checkout. Payment is via PayPal, but you do not have to have a PayPal account – you can just pay with a card if ... read more

Race day nerves

Interesting - I find that my "movements" are affected in a similar way by organising a race as by competing in one. Works better than colonic irrigation. Anyway, it's raining, or at least it was 5 minutes ago. And Pen Y Fan is shrouded in murk... But I'm sure it will clear up soon! On the pin front, Emma texted at midnight to say emergency pin supplies are coming to the race with Ricky. And Mark P (fell running superstar and Fan y Big organiser) called to share a chuckle ... read more

eek no pins


Our massive bag of safety pins has gone walkabout!  We think maybe we took it along to Fan y Big last year, and never reclaimed it afterwards. Anyway, we've scoured the house and come up with a small tinful, but nowhere near enough for all. So this is an appeal to all runners to bring some pins please!

(apart from that, everything going just swimmingly, and yes, the beer is fine).


Marshals galore

Lots of offers of help arriving, Stotts, Vorreses, McWilliamses, and Tony C if he gets a lift. That means we are sorted for marshals, and Gill will take pics as runners hit the top of Corn Du after 1900 feet of continuous ascent...

Still need a photographer for the finish line.

One week to go

Insurance all sorted thanks to John Sweeting and WFRA goodness. Plenty of entries have arrived by post - more than in previous years. Hard to tell what that means for turnout on the day. I've tweaked the photos page on the web site to make the thumbnail galleries display fully, and moved the slide show onto another page - this is a lovely feature but all the different years' galleries are a bit hard to find, and I've not found a way of making one slideshow for each year - this would need a... read more

Tying red tape

We've left it a bit late this year, but we've finally sent off the insurance permit forms to the WFRA (Welsh Fell Runners Association), and letters to the National Trust and landowner. Later this weekend we'll do an email blast to previous competitors and running clubs, with the race poster. Naomi has secured sponsorship from Cotswold in Brecon which is great news. Still on the "to do" list for June: Putting posters up around town, and at Dering Lines... read more

Entries arriving

Postal entries have started arriving for the races – 3 for PyF and 1 for FyB so far. This means resurrecting the race manager database, a home-baked affair that I hacked together a few years ago. It’s also a reminder to do some publicity like emailing previous entrants. If only work wasn’t so busy…

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